Saturday, February 5, 2011

Trying out a new phone app

Blogger came out with an Android app. So here's my first attempt at using it.

Jerry and I are hiking on the mountain near work. Here's a view of the Teradata campus from halfway down the hill.

I don't know where in the post the picture is placed. And I don't know if the location I'm posting from is published. I hope it is. (Well, it didn't.)


Colleen said...

If you get mad at your Android, wouldn't that be "droid rage"?

Chuckbert said...

Poop! It uploads a tiny picture. And I don't understand its location feature. I'll have to play with it in draft mode and see what can be done.

Shoe said...

A good first try. Are you going to get an iPhone?

Chuckbert said...

Sticking with Adroid. Gotta give Apple some competition!

BobbieS53 said...

Don't you just love technology? I can get an upgrade on my phone on the 24th. I'm thinking about an iPhone. I'm just too cheap to pay the data plan...