Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Peggy's Big Day

I was looking through the Awkward Family Photos and thought that we probably have some contenders. I got inspired to try to find something in the next batch of pictures. I got out the next carousel of slides and scanned away.

I didn't find anything terribly awkward.

In the post-Christmas, 1972, slides we get to see the family standing around my telescope. You might remember my mirror blank I got for Christmas in 1970. Two years later I have a telescope but not with a mirror that I ground. Nope, it has a commercially made mirror. The tube and tripod weren't featured in the Christmas, 1972, pictures so I'm thinking it wasn't a Christmas present. I'm pretty sure I bought the mirror myself. I'm not sure about the tube and tripod. They might have been presents or maybe I bought them myself. I just don't know. What I do know is that the telescope never worked very well.  Two years of putting together a telescope were pretty much a waste of time.

The big event of 1973 was Peggy and Allan's wedding and reception. A fun time was had by all.

Fortunately, I missed out on helping brand Mabel's cattle. A bit more of that in the next batch of slides!

I graduated from high school around this time. There is no record of that. But then, there was no record of anyone else's graduations. Maybe there are Poloroids of those events.

Christmas 1972 to June 1973:

Turtle Tchotchke Tuesday

A turquoise ID badge holder.

Thanks, Poss.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Turtle Tchotchke Tuesday

So, these aren't tchotchkes in our house. They're not even tchotchkes. But they are chelonian. And they live nearby. So they count!

Watch it in HD if your Internet connection is fast enough. You'll be glad you did.

Read more about it at The Barista's Cut.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turtle Tchotchke Tuesday

Chopstick rest and sushi dipping dish (from Maui, thus surely from Karen). The spoon has a fish carved into it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Turtle Tchotchke Tuesday

Little chimes (four of them!).

Maybe from Karen 
A ceramic bell we got in Taos
Don't know where this came from
Probably from Karen from a trip to Hawaii

They don't get much wind so the only time they tinkle is during large earthquakes.

Thanks for the theme idea, Jerry!