Thursday, October 8, 2009

How smuggy can you get?

I had to put the icing on the cake. My Prius now has an Apple sticker on it.

A collective noun proposal: A smugness of Prius drivers.


Poss said...

OMG! a sticker! I just have a VA parking decal on mine.

P-Doobie said...

I haven't put any stickers on Sophie since she came back all new and sparkly. When the finish cures completely next month, I'll be back in bidness.

BobbieS53 said...

Apple, good!

Colleen said...

I've been watching shows from the 70s. Remember Knight Rider? The hero had a tricked-out car too. I think the show was aimed at guys, but I am attracted to the smart-car idea too--not because I want to defend "the innocent, the helpless, [etc]." I just want a car that drives itself.
Nice ride.