Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving is off to a great start

Our home-cooked Thanksgiving meal this year was breakfast.

(food styling by Mr. Bears)

The pancakes were made with:
On top of the pancakes we put:
I'm thankful that:
  • We had a nice, wholesome, home-cooked meal and didn't get overfed
  • There aren't a lot of dishes to take care of
  • We have all our gadgets that make fairly healthful meals like this fun to make
  • I have friends and family who humor me by reading these silly messages
  • I have Jerry to take care of all the hard parts of Thanksgiving meals (and the rest of my life)
Happy Thanksgiving!


BobbieS53 said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I'm thankful that you had minimul kitchen damage and I'm very thankful that JerBear is in yor life and, with that, in mine!

P-Doobie said...

Sounds great! I love your homemade pancakes.

Shoe said...

There's nothing like homemade food, the bounty of your labors! Sounds and looks delicious.

Happy Thanksgiving!

RetroMag said...

JerBear's pancakes are the best!

I, too, am thankful that JerBear is a part of your life--and ours!