Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Survived!

Here we are, the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking.

There is an exhibition of artifacts recovered from the Titanic that is currently at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Jerry, Jim Black and I went to the exhibit a couple of months ago.

When you enter the exhibit you are given a "boarding pass" that has the name of a passenger on the Titanic's maiden voyage.
When you get to the end of the exhibit you find a list of the names of the passengers and whether they survived. My passenger, Mr. Alfred Nourney, survived! But all of his money sank. Mr. Nourney apparently didn't behave as a gentleman after leaving the Titanic. He didn't help row the lifeboat. He smoked and fired his pistol instead. He hogged blankets on the Carpathia.  He lived another 60 years.

Jerry and Jim's passengers weren't so lucky. They went down with the ship.

One of the artifacts that is shown is a little coffee cup used in First Class. I commented that it was pretty and that somebody should make replicas of it. Well, imagine my surprise when we got to the gift shop at the end of the exhibit. There were replicas of the espresso muglet for sale! I had to get one:
Since this was a museum exhibition's gift shop I couldn't afford more than one mug. But now I own a (replica of a) piece of history.

It is an interesting, but expensive, exhibit. You should see it when it gets to your town if you can afford it.

By the way, 1912 had other events that are significant to my life:


Poss said...

Nice mug! I, too, survived the trip. I saw the exhibit in KC a few years ago.

Colleen said...

I have been a Titanic buff since the late 80s. I've read A Night to Rmemeber and The Night Lives On. I bought a reproduction of the passenger list from the Titanic Historical Society in Indian Orchard, MA. I didn't care for the mushy Cameron movie, though. I will certainly see this exihit if it makes it to this coast. That esspresso cup is totally gorgeous!