Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Love Labor Day Weekend

2013 edition is here.

The best thing about Labor Day Weekend isn't that it's a day longer than most. No, it's because of the "Celebrations" section of the Sunday San Diego Union-Tribune. This is where people pay to announce engagements, weddings, anniversaries, new babies, graduations from kindergarten, and the likes.

If you can pay for it, you can celebrate it.

Every year we get to share in the celebration of Ms. Magic Meryle Cohen's birthday! She hasn't aged a day since I first noticed the celebration of her birthday many years ago. The picture and type have gotten smaller (the column is only 3 ½ inches wide this year) but the information is pretty much what I remember.

She sounds like a hoot.

(But for all her accomplishments mentioned in the piece the only thing I can find on the Internet about her is her hint for Heloise.)



RetroMag said...

She sounds like a real go-getter.

I use my calendar and checkbook for a diary

Skeeky said...

My wife just revealed to me a cutting of a Ms. Magic Meryle Cohen post from years ago that she had stuck to the side of the fridge. It's yellowed. Ms. Cohen was 50 then too. My wife also thinks she saw it from a clipping in Chicago Trib, and decided to keep track. So when this new posting appeared, she clipped it and we compared. Same photo. We'll be older than her sooner than we think.

Shoe said...

She was playing music as late as a year ago.

Anonymous said...

My husband had a rough day and I was trying to find something to make him laugh when I found your web site. I thought we were the only people who followed Miss Meryle and hung the article on the fridge every year!! We have since moved to Northern CA, but every Labor Day weekend we think of Magic Meryle. Thanks for the memories!!