Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring brings a burst of new life!

Spring: the time of renewal, of new beginnings.

In Spring the gopher population explodes. Last Spring I posted some videos of gophers being taken care of by crows and egrets.

This morning I noticed a gopher running along the side of the garage. I think it is a youngster who has been kicked out of the den by its mother. It's time for him to be on his own. He rounded the corner and went in front of the garage door. We went out to see what's happening.

Little gophers are fearless. I expected him to run in fear but he was ready to fight to the death. It would have been easy to Whac-a-Gopher but neither of us is able to do that. So we herded it off to the other side of the driveway toward the neighbors' yard.

Since the little monster was standing his ground we had time for Jerry to fetch the camera. We made a movie of our little friend being encouraged to move out. Enjoy it!


MrBears said...

Where was your cat when we needed him?
(To see Chuckberts cat go to his blog Just Hanging Around - about the horseshoes)

Shoe said...

Aw, poor guy was scared. I hope he finds a nice un-gardened space to dig a burrow.

BobbieS53 said...

What a fat little guy. Gophers!

P-Doobie said...

Too bad gophers aren't edible. I mean, they're probably edible, but the time it takes to catch one, dispatch it, dress it out, marinate it in wine and herbs, grill it, and go to Urgent Care to check for rabies, plague, hantavirus, and Weil's Syndrome would probably not make it worth the effort.

RetroMag said...

Well, it was a cute little thing, but I, for one, can do without cute as far as gophers are concerned. Poss, I hope Whitey takes care of them for you!

Poss said...

Whitey will probably find that they are fun friends.

Chuckie, yours looks very healthy and very well fed. Were his little cheeks full of food?

Chuckbert said...

Here is a YouTube video of what it looks like for a gopher to go up against a white dog.

Chuckbert said...

When playing the video of the white dog, press the "HQ" button on the player. It is really bad quality in normal mode.