Saturday, May 23, 2009

Birthday Trip to Palm Desert

Today started with a shave with a razor that Jerry got for me a few weeks ago as an early birthday present. (It's taking me a while to get the hang of it. I'm down to just one nick per shave.)

Then Jerry took us to Palm Desert to do more celebrating of my birthday. That's always a fun thing to do.

On the way there we made a side trip to Idyllwild where we shopped for tchotchkes. You'll have to wait till some future Tuesday to see pictures of what we got there. We had lunch then headed to the desert floor.

We parked behind Adagio Galleries where we got the masks by Dave Sisk the last time we went up there. Julie greeted us as we came in the door and said that we were early, that the reception for Dave Sisk was at 4:00. "Oh, was that today?" I asked. We had gotten their card announcing the show but, since we don't usually make it to galleries' openings, we didn't plan the trip around the show. What luck, huh?

We went up and down El Paseo. Jerry got me some balloons at Coda Gallery to go with the one I got him (see his in the sidebar of his blog). These will go on the wall with the first one and will make that wall very festive. We haven't had the chance to put them up so you'll have to wait for pictures.

We've seen some lazy Susans at one of the shops and have always hemmed and hawed about whether to get one. This time I decided finally to do it. Here's our new lazy Susan. It's glass with copper in it.
It will make assembling our tostadas on tostada night a lot less messy. And prettier!

We went back to Adagio Galleries and had a nice visit with Dave Sisk.

We had supper at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza (mac and cheese will have to wait) then came home.

The newspaper said that Palm Desert was going to reach 105° today. According to a weather station near Indio they were spot on. It was hot.

Keep your eyes on this spot for pictures of balloons and other tchotchkes!


Shoe said...

Sounds like a superlicious wondermous day! Can't wait to see your new finds!

Colleen said...

That's the first artistical lazy susan I've ever seen. Here's to pretty laziness!

Poss said...

the lazy susan is fabulous. Can hardly wait to have a tostada dinner.

BobbieS53 said...

Do we get to try the tostada lazy susan when we get there?

RetroMag said...

I'm anxious to see all the pretties up close and personal!That lazy susan is too pretty to use!