Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hello. I'm Forrest. Forrest Gump.

(This really isn't all that interesting.)

I might not be running across the country like Mr. Gump but I've been running.

This morning the odometer on my account on our treadmill turned over 2000 miles.

Without leaving the house I've run from here to Birmingham, Alabama. It's taken me a little less than three years. I apparently average around 5.4 MPH.

I think the calories burned (the 48K) must go back to zero every so often otherwise that's only 24 calories per mile.

(I told you that this wasn't very interesting.)


Shoe said...

Congratualtions! I think that is terrific!

Run, Chuckbert, ruuuuunnnnn!

BobbieS53 said...

It is, too, interesting! Way to go. Recently I've begun jogging out on trails and streets. I hope to keep ramping up the intensity as my weight is starting to come off. Keep it up, Chuck!

RetroMag said...

How many pairs of shoes have you worn out? Keep up the good workouts!