Sunday, December 13, 2009

A spectacular tree in our yard

Well, it was supposed to be a spectacular tree.

Our Floss Silk tree is blooming. For the first time. Ever.

Poor little tree. It was supposed to be huge by now.

Floss silk trees are "resistant to drought and moderate cold" according to the Wikipedia article. Apparently our cold is more severe than "moderate." The frost burns it down to stubs each year. It comes back and grows out again. Then frost strikes it down again.

We keep saying that we ought to just get rid of the tree.

Poor thing. Frost's a-comin'.


RetroMag said...

Well, it certainly WOULD be spectacular if it had a chance. Can't you wrap a blanket around it on frosty nights?

Poss said...

I'd give it another chance,it is making progress.

P-Doobie said...

"I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love."--Linus

I'd save the little tree.

Colleen said...

Yes, get one of those blankets with sleeves, so it can be extra cozy.

Shoe said...

It should try Flicker's method.

I vote for letting it have another chance.