Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's finally time to celebrate

Last year I posted the story of my reaching my official 30th anniversary with Teradata. I said that I would be getting yet another cheesy lapel pin with my years of service rendered in Roman numerals. I'd never worn any of my other milestone lapel pins.

My XXX lapel pin never came.

The manager of my department just dropped these things off when he got around to it. I figured that he was a busy man and that it was sitting in some drawer and would surface some time before I really needed it. I would never really need it so it would be delivered soon enough.

Well, this isn't your stodgy old NCR!

A few months ago a bunch of us got emails announcing that Teradata had come up with a new program for recognizing multiples of five years of service. We were told to expect another email giving us the details soon.

The day came and we got our emails that had links to the site where we get to choose a reward from several categories.

We could take a lapel pin, not the tacky one we had been getting all these years but rather one made of real gold and three little real (!) diamonds. We could get other jewelry like chunky silver rings for men or earrings for women. There were traditional gifts such as crystal bowls. They had a mountain bike. They had an Emerilware Deep Fryer for those who don't want to slog through another five years.

These were nice things!

I chose a watch.

But wait! There's more!

The back of the watch carries a bonus!
It had been branded with the company name! Sweet!

I finally have a service award that I actually use!


Poss said...

Very nice! Today marks the 25th anniversary of my entry into Federal Service. Will post my delightful gifts when they are awarded.

Colleen said...

Those Swiss know how to keep time! Many years ago, when digital watches were newish, my father predicted the demise of the analog watch. Thank goodness he was wrong. Analog watches are better-looking and easier to read.
For my 25 years of working for Harvard, I picked a rocking chair.

Shoe said...

CONGRATULATIONS! A very handsome watch, indeed.

P-Doobie said...

For my 25 years with the railroad, I got some ties.

P-Doobie said...

Congratulations! It's a really nice watch.

RetroMag said...

CONGRATULATIONS on completing thirty yers of work. And on receiving such a nice - and useful - prize. The watch is most attractive. I, too, like the analog face.