Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Travels with Karen

Last time, we saw Karen and Jack on a trip to see three of his sisters. They continue their trip in this installment. They visit Herbie and see sights in the Los Angeles area.

I have a poor memory. I was living in the L. A. area at the time but I have no memory of this visit. Maybe Karen can tell me if they saw me. Somehow I think not. I'm not in any of the pictures.

They saw:
We have the family Christmas again. It doesn't seem to be quite the extravaganza of earlier years. Mom got something very romantic! Jack really embraced the CB radio craze. He gave each of us our own radio. Poss was this year's lucky recipient. Mine came years later and never worked, not that I cared.

We see another of Jack's Red Periods. It starts in Kiowa.

Karen and Jack take Mom and hit the road again. They see Lake Powell with a stop at the Four Corners Monument.

Lake Powell was my introduction to environmentalism. My sophomore year Social Studies class had a semester where we studied environmental issues. It started with Mrs. Bolsterli showing us two movies. The first was a beautifully produced Sierra Club movie that showed us the beauty and grandeur of Glen Canyon before it was flooded. Then, without comment, we saw a movie made by the Bureau of Reclamation that showed us the glories of hard-working men, heavy equipment and concrete. They built a dam that controlled the river and formed a lake that gave us a beautiful recreation area, irrigation and flood control. Discuss (or was it "disgusting!"?). I've never been there.


Shoe said...

No, I don't think we visited you that time. The next summer, BobBIE and I visited you in LA. I remember so well because we went to see "Star Wars"! Thanks for doing all the work to scan and post these photos!

P-Doobie said...

A set of lopping shears for Mom for Christmas. Our father was a romantic madcap!

Poss said...

Now may be a good time to read The Monkey Wrench Gang, a favorite of all of use who lived in Chinle.