Sunday, August 7, 2011

Satan's Sixes Sunday

Money talks...

...the language of Satan!

I mentioned before that people seem to think anything with a number must be the mark of the Beast. What is more common in peoples' lives than paper money. Each and every piece is uniquely identified with a serial number. Money is Satan's tool! It's been proven! The only safe currency is gold! NOT!

I've collected money that features "666" in their serial numbers. Friends and family have sent me dollar bills (nothing larger!) that with 666 in their serial numbers. I took the five dollar bill out of circulation myself. Here are a few:

Karen sent me one with an extraordinarily special serial number:
It has only sixes (with a "666") and zeroes and it is a "star note"!

Family members often thought of me when they were writing checks and came to ones whose numbers ended with 666:
Great minds think of me often! Thanks everybody! I never cashed these. With all that money and with all the bills I'm hanging onto I could have been rich. But I have something much more valuable than their face value!

For a while, after Uncle Sam took his bite, and paid for my benefits, and bought company stock, and deposited money in savings and the household account and invested in my 401(k), my net pay was a pretty good amount.

What does all this prove? Nothing.

Except that I save things for a silly reason.


Colleen said...

It proves that you are six, six, six, sick!

Shoe said...

Hmmmm.....I'm sorry I missed check #3666. Check writing is slowing way down these days of electronic this 'n' that..... but watch for 4xxx sometime in the future!

Nice post. Silly man!