Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Renovation, Part 3

Here comes the second day of demolition!

Last time we were going around the house in a counterclockwise direction. We had made it to the garden room. Continuing around the house that evening we saw this:

The next day we came home to this:

You might remember the view of the front of the house from the previous episode. This is what it looked like the next day:
No more walkway along the house. No porch. No more camellia.

Here's another view of this part of the yard:
(I was wrong when I said that we removed the artwork the evening before.) The lavender and big concrete planter with the Mexican grass tree are gone (you can see them in this picture). The mighty forklift moved the Mexican grass tree to another part of the yard:
Also seen in this picture is where they scraped out the dirt in preparation for an all-new walk. This part of the yard had a bunch of naked ladies. The bulbs were going dormant so I dug them up and put them in a bucket and a trash can. They're still there. It's time for them to be blooming. Some of them are blooming:
I need to be getting them back into the ground!

We got to take this opportunity to get rid of junk that had been accumulating around the yard. A junk heap was started:
Not seen in this picture are a couple of clothesline poles that we moved from the side of the house many years ago to the spot seen here. We had used them to hold up netting for peas to grow on but with little success. The poles got moved to the junk heap in the front yard:

That's Day 2 of the demolition. Maybe this is the evening we took down the artwork. Things are moving right along.


Poss said...

Yikes, what is it going to look like?