Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Snakes alive!

What a plate of shrimp! BobBIE-Baby posted a tail tale of snakes the day I was going to post our snake story.

Yesterday while I was working on getting my latest Major Motion Picture uploaded to YouTube Jerry came into the house saying "Come look!" What he meant to say was "Bring the camera and come look!" After I saw I had to run back inside and get the camera to get this picture.

For some reason we don't see very many snakes around here. I don't know my snakes so I have no idea what flavor this one is. I hope it eats gophers.

It's not as big as Bobbie's snakes. Those were impressive snakes.


Shoe said...

Cool! Just don't let your hawk or egret friends find him!!

BobbieS53 said...

It looks like a relative of my two bull snakes. I love snakes. I was going to try to catch mine, but I was afraid it would make them leave and not eat mice. Very cool!

P-Doobie said...

Everybody has snakes 'cept me. It's not fair!

RetroMag said...

p-doobie, you're not alone. I haven't seen my little garter snakes for a couple of years. Bummer!