Monday, January 19, 2009

Fuzzy end of a road trip and a new family member

We finally reach the end of our 1964 road trip. We see Sutter's Mill, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Nevada and Utah. Most of these pictures, except most of San Francisco, are from Jack's point of view from the driver's seat of the car. The moving car. As a result, much of this part of the trip is a washed out blur. You can skip a lot of these pictures.

The San Francisco segment is in the order they are in the carousel. The pictures had been arranged thematically. We go from under the Golden Gate Bridge to driving across it then back under it.

When we got home Jack took some pictures of the family. Such a pretty family!

Then we get a puppy! Such a cute puppy!



Shoe said...

I hate how everyone looks so pinched in the family line-ups. Thank goodness there was a smiley baby!

Where did we stay overnight on the way? Motel? Campground?

I remember Pough as such a grumpy old lady. It was funny to see her playing with a toy (bone?)

Poss said...

Lovely family, very cute pup. Pough was a smart little dog. I don't remember grumpy, but then I was gone for the most part of her later years.
The great thing about our trips was we got to see, though briefly, quite a bit of the country. It has made me want to go back to many of the places that we flew through.

RetroMag said...

I'm sure we stayed at Flooyd and Margaret's house for the San Francisco segment, but I don't know where we stayed for the rest of the trip. Maybe we just drove straight home??? I remember Floyd referring to Karen as the BA-A-A-by.

BobbieS53 said...

Yep! A smiley baby. Road trips were hard, we never got to see much outside the car. That boat tour of the SF Bay was cool (in more ways than one). I'm surprised Dad didn't take pictures of the meals...

P-Doobie said...

I remember eating Crab Louis at a restaurant with two floors (Alioto's?), and at the end of the meal, I went to get our jackets, and Aunt Margaret came unglued at me. Never figured that one out.