Friday, June 26, 2009

Giving waste the brushoff

You know how some guys flush as they approach the urinal? And they flush (and flush and flush again) while they're going? I suppose the sound of running water triggers a Pavlovian response with their bladders. Or maybe they think that the sound of running water will mask the noise of their peeing so nobody else in the bathroom will know what they're doing.

We all have our little idiosyncrasies in the bathroom.

There's another one I've never quite understood. In these times of water restrictions we are being reminded that we shouldn't leave the water running while brushing our teeth. I never knew we were supposed to run the water more than what's needed to wet the brush before brushing, rinse it afterwards, and to get a mouthful or two for rinsing and spitting.

I'll bet people leave the water running through all those steps because it's just so much trouble to quickly turn the knob or slide the lever twice between each of the steps. (Think of all the calories that would be burnt if we all did that! The nation's obesity epidemic could be cured if we all turned off the water while brushing.)

So imagine my bewilderment when I encountered someone brushing his teeth at work. Our bathrooms have faucets that turn themselves off after they've run for a few seconds. This guy mashed on the knob to get the water running, wet his brush, pasted it up and started brushing. The water turned itself off.

He mashed the knob and continued brushing. The water turned itself off. He mashed and continued brushing. Again and again.

So much for my theory that it's too much effort to turn the water off. This guy spent extra effort to keep it going.

My head reeled.

(He set a notebook on the shelf by the door on his way in. It had his business card taped to it. It had "Ph. D." after his name. My head reels.)


Poss said...

I always thought that guys flushed the toilet while peeing was so that no one would know what they were doing.

Don't get me started about sharing toilets at work with guys.

RetroMag said...

In my fifteen years of contact with PhDs at LAMPF, I decided that their college courses didn't include Common Sense 101.

Shoe said...

I, too, never had an inkling of keeping the water running whilst brushing teeth. Those tips for conserving water always perplex me....doesn't everyone conserve?

I think it may have been instilled at a very young age. Even now, when I run the bath, I can hear the holler when it reaches an inch in depth. "Turn off the goddam water already!"

BobbieS53 said...

It reminds me of watching"Ally McBeal" where one of the guys in the law office installed a personal restroom in a closet and had a remote control flusher so he could flush the toilet on approach and he'd say"I like a fresh bowl."

I don't run water while brushing teeth...

Colleen said...

What a Phoolish dork!