Friday, August 28, 2009

Another trip to Springer

I'm off to reform school again.
I don't know what prompted this one or when it happened.

Jack is clearly making a joke here. But Jack, the kid you were kidding never knew you to make a joke and was too young and naive to figure it out. The kid knew that you (probably) couldn't just ship people off to reform school. But things like this made it very clear that you didn't want him around.

But if I had been locked up in Springer, who would have passed the tools to you when you were under a car changing the oil or replacing the U-joints?


BobbieS53 said...

I remember when I scraped the bark off a tree in the backyard and Dad said he was going to call the police to come get me for injuring the tree! I was like you...I thought he meant it. I guess that's why I spent so much time in "jail" in the spot between the bookcase and couch...instead of getting grounded.

RetroMag said...

I was never much help. In this case I seem to have been an aly in the threat inasmuch as I apparently typed the letter. I'm glad you turned out O.K. though.

P-Doobie said...

If you had been sent to Springer, I would have passed the freakin' tools. (With all the work Jack did on the Willys, you'd think it would go faster than 40 mph.)

I was grounded for a whole summer for not calling in after a softball game to say that we were going to a party in White Rock. My punishment was repainting the inside of the house and loss of driving privileges.