Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eggs suck!

Yesterday, I made butter. I used Straus Family Creamery cream. They put their cream in an old-fashioned bottles. They want their bottles back so I had to pay a $1.25 deposit on each one.

(By the way, I said that Trader Joe's cream has carageenan in it. That's their cream in the plastic bottle. Their cream in the cardboard cartons is just cream. I've found a convenient source for future butter making!)

As long as I had a milk bottle that is a lot like the ones we all grew up with, just smaller, I thought I ought to use it to do an updated experiment from my childhood. You remember the project, putting a hard-boiled egg in a milk bottle.

I could have done it the way I did it back then but I'll save my pyromania stories for another day.

No, today I did it with the help of one of my modern kitchen appliances, my Tilia FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System.

I made my second YouTube video in two days! (I've already gotten a comment on my butter-making video from one of my subscribers. He said essentially "meh." I'm crushed!)

Here is how you get a hard-boiled egg into a milk bottle. You just have to find a milk bottle.

If you want a better explanation of what's going on, you can watch this video.


MrBears said...

At least we'll always have something to remember the juice glass by.

Shoe said...

Did the glass shatter? And why don't we have that on video?

Love the science in action, chuckbert! Thanks!

Chuckbert said...

The bottle inverted into the glass just barely fit in the suc-a-lux canister. I was reshooting the video and when I mashed the lid on the bottle got mooshed into the glass. It broke.

RetroMag said...

Intriguing! But I'm also interested in learning how you put your pyromania expertise to work to get the egg in the bottle!

P-Doobie said...

Thanks, Mr. Science!