Friday, August 21, 2009


My friend, Ray, from the beginning of my career at NCR/AT&T/NCR/Teradata, gave me some orchids that divide like crazy. Jerry potted them up and put them on a table on the north side of the house. They seem to like it there. They're blooming like crazy! The view out of the family room window has improved.

Here's the view from the family room window:
(As you can tell, it's not really a presentation table.)

And just the blossoms (prettier):

And a close-up (prettier still):

They're tiny flowers.

Thanks, Ray!


Poss said...

I love orchids, I had some for a couple of years, then the cats did them in. You are lucky not to have cats.

RetroMag said...

I tried to grow orchids once, but as usual had dismal luck. Orchids are SO pretty!