Thursday, June 26, 2008

A troublesome word

In a recent post on Quotidiana, P-Doobie made a common typo that I mentioned that I saw in an old Sherman's Lagoon strip. It must be that time of the year because it showed up again in today's La Cucaracha strip.

Happy Birthday, Peggers!


Shoe said...

Cool plate of shrimp!

I'm gonna have to watch that word.

I noticed it the other day on a can of Spray Starch. Out of the corner of my eye I thought it said, "Viagra"

P-Doobie said...

I read "La Cucaracha" this morning and almost levitated!

P-Doobie said...

And thanks for the birthday wishes!

Chuckbert said...

If anybody is confused about what's wrong with the strip, well it's been fixed at the link I posted. I guess people let Sr. Alcaraz know about his misspelling.

Colleen said...

If you can have a Barbra Streisand, why can't you have a Niagra Falls?