Sunday, September 7, 2008

Naked ladies

Back in March, I mentioned that I had transplanted some naked ladies around the yard. In that post I said that they take a few years to get established before they'd bloom so I probably wouldn't be posting pictures of them this year.

I was wrong.

Imagine my surprise when I walked passed our overgrown acacia this morning and happened to see some pink beneath it. There was a naked lady! Blooming! Its first year after being transplanted! A month after everybody else's naked ladies have bloomed!

So here is the picture I promised I wouldn't be posting this year.

Ladies (naked or clothed) and gentlemen, my naked lady.


Colleen said...

Better watch out that your blog doesn't get flagged for inappropriate content.

P-Doobie said...

They obviously said, "Wow! This is a place we like!" They're really pretty.

Shoe said...

I like naked ladies!

RetroMag said...

How pretty! I'm glad she surprised you and bloomed.

BobbieS53 said...

Very pretty! Lawdy, Miss Scarlett, I don't know nothin' about no naked ladies! They are nice, I want some, too! Do you think they would survive our cold winters?