Saturday, February 14, 2009

One more crack at this

I made the cheese crackers again. I did a few things differently:
  • I used a different cheese (some Pecorino Romano left from our crack and cheese experiment)
  • I rolled them thinner using KitchenAid Mixer's pasta roller attachment
  • I cooked them on uninsulated sheets
  • I took them off the parchment paper while they cooled on the rack
  • I forgot to sprinkle the coarse salt on them :-(
They're much crisper than the first batch. Some are browner. Much browner. (I was watching the videos of the process while they were baking and I should have been watching the crackers.)

The first, thicker crackers had more flavor. I don't know if that was because the cheese had more flavor or if I used more cheese or if the extra thickness and slight undercooking made them more flavorful. Or maybe it was the added coarse salt.

Much of the problem with the flavor is that I think I might have made them too thin. I ran the pasta rollers down to the fifth setting. That makes some pretty thin sheets of dough. Maybe I should have stopped at three or four. But I'd better stop making these things altogether. I just eat them up.

There are several people who have subscribed to my YouTube channel. I haven't made a movie since August. To give my subscribers (and you, I hope) a thrill, here is my latest movie. I made it with my new MacBook Air. It came with iMovie and that makes movie making easy and snappier. I hope you like it.


Poss said...

they look delicious. MB2 tasted mine, and immediately wanted the recipe.
We made pizzas tonight for our big sleepover.

Shoe said...

Nicely done video! Thanks for sharing.

RetroMag said...

Thanks, Chef Chuckbert!

P-Doobie said...

Awesome production values and a wonderful finished product!

MrBears said...

Aren't you glad I use half and half in my coffee.

Excellent video Chuckbert.

Poss said...

I put freshly ground pepper and a little salt on one pan of them. Yum. Nice little bite.

Poss said...

The second batch, double the recipe, lasted about a day. I think that we are really on to something

BobbieS53 said...

I made some with a mixture of Romno, Parmesan and Asiago. They weren't extremely crunchy, but they taste FANTASTIC! Thanks for the recipe. Did you use the sharp blad in our
Cuisinart or the plastic one?

BobbieS53 said...

I guess I can't finish would be Romano and blade...

Chuckbert said...

I used the metal blade. There was only one cup of flour in there so I thought it needed as much action as it could get.

I never use the Cuisinart to make full loaves of bread. So I guess I don't need that little plastic blade.