Thursday, April 24, 2008


The preparations for the visit by the Board of Directors are continuing. Monday is the big day!

When I got to work today, my usual parking spot had an orange cone in it so I had to park a few spots away. I park next to a tree so the car will be shaded a bit at lunchtime so I might not roast while working on my New York Times crossword puzzle after I get back from my walk or hike.

When I went out at lunch I saw why they had kept me out of my space. They added new, very fragrant mulch to cover the bare ground. Other parts of the parking lot had their dying grass covered.

My usual parking spot blocked by a cone

Earlier this week they washed the stairways. Now the floor and stairs shine and seem to have more traction than before. The Board will be impressed with the shininess. (No they won't! Board members use elevators!)

Today we got an interesting email cascaded through several levels of management. We are told that if we need to use one of the labs sometime on Monday and it doesn't really matter when, we should try to be there at a particular time when the Board's tour of the facility should be passing through the lab. They think it would be just swell if there were people there for the Board members to interact with. If they want to interact with the little people, they could simply take the tour through the offices. But we haven't gotten the memo asking us to clean our desks and to take down the Dilbert comics.

The problem with the invitation to use the lab at the magic moment is that nobody in our department is authorized to be in it at any time. Last year somebody got caught pilfering some rather pricey components from the lab and selling them on eBay. Now, to use the labs we have to have special permission.

Monday is going to be fun, fun, fun!


RetroMag said...

How long did you say this meeting is going to last? Thirty minutes?

P-Doobie said...

Take your camera on Monday so you can take pictures of the Suits being awed by the spiffy grounds and buildings.