Monday, November 3, 2008

MLM: How I Make My Home a Happy Home

In third grade we seem to have had an assignment to write an essay on how we make our homes happy homes. We seem to have had to illustrate it as well.

I got a B.

(This really doesn't qualify for a memory lane outing. I have no recollection of this assignment. Mom saved it in my box of memories and here it is.)

For you who don't want to read my terrible writing, here's an edited transcript:

How I make my Home a happy home

April 15, 1964 yours truly

I like to help my mother wash dishes? It's fun, but my hands [get] water logged.

I help clean up [the] backyard. It's not fun.

I clean up my room. It's not easy because my mother puts all the old junk in my room.

I share with my sister's. I don't have any brother's.

I don't believe that I really enjoyed helping with the dishes.

By the way, while I was in Los Alamos a couple of weeks ago, Peggy gave me a recollection of my cleaning the backyard. When we were kids we had poop patrol where we had to clean up the three dogs' poop and sign the calendar to verify that we'd actually done our chore. (Dad was way ahead of Sarbanes-Oxley in accounting for time!) After I did my patrol one evening I came in and announced to Dad, "I cleaned up the Pough poo-poo, the Dough doo-doo, the Chris crap, and signed the shit sheet." (The schnauzers' names, "Pough" and "Dough," are pronounced "poo" and "doo.") Dad, she says, was not amused.

Back to the happy home is the brochure that accompanied it.

How I make my home a happy home
Take a look inside

Front cover


I can't figure out the "Cleaning up my room" illustration. That might be my bed but I don't know what the black part of the picture is. Some of the junk that got stored there?

I'm using a rake in the "Cleaning Up the Backyard" part. It looks like a shovel would have been the appropriate tool (see Peggy's recollection above).

I don't know why Peggy is being a grouch. I'm sharing with her. Poss doesn't seem to be excited. Bobbie's happy with me, at least. Karen was only five months old at the time so I didn't have anything to share with her yet.

We had a happy home, didn't we?


Shoe said...

Ah! Comments working now!

The black thing looks like a vacuum cleaner. Does it resemble the Family Vacuum that you remember?

The brown figure is no doubt your father, making sure the job was done right!

I laughed when I saw Peg's grumpy face, cuz I can't imagine her like that! You must've had a bad day with your big sister when you drew that.

Chuckbert said...

I thought it might be a vacuum cleaner hose but I can't figure out the canister.

Poss said...

no wonder you like doing things that make you happy in your house. Your dishwasher must make you very happy compared to the wrinkled hands.
I look rather bored with the happy chores.

BobbieS53 said...

I think you and I were pretty much always happy hanging out together. I'm wondering if the black thing is something you shoved under the bed...I'm seeing the line as the path. If there was so much excess junk in your room...especially when the plywood wall was up...underneath the bed would be a good place to house it. I'm glad I was happy, though I wonder what it is we are sharing! YIKES! A happy family!

Poss said...

Don't you think that it is your train set with a cord????

Chuckbert said...

Wow, Poss, you're looking at old stuff. It seems to be a figure 8 so maybe it's my slot car track. it made a figure 8 that crossed over the lower track at the center.