Saturday, July 19, 2008

And now the moment you've been waiting for!

Here it is! Decades in the making! Silliness in reverse!

The rush redo of my film-to-DVD transfer was done in only two and a half weeks. That's a week and a half quicker than the original botched job.

Now you can actually see much of the action. You can see Colleen, Don, and Karen leap onto the picnic table! You can see Don rolling around our front yard! You can see me sucking crackers!

And, best of all, you can see Poss and her banana!

I had stretched the music to go as long as the movie but YouTube's processing seems to process the audio and video separately so the music went back to its original length. It ends before the movie does. Sorry.

And my titles ended up being much shorter than I thought I had made them. Be prepared to engage your Evln Wd Spd Rdng skills.

And now with no further ado, here are Don, Karen, Colleen, Poss, and yours truly undoing things.



Anonymous said...

My vote is still for Poss.

Shoe said...


BobbieS53 said...

I love the way Don's pants dry off ass he gets out of the stream. The banana gets my vote! Gross!

BobbieS53 said...

I think that was a Freudian slip...I meant!

RetroMag said...

The video quality was greatly improved, but the acting perfection retains its original perfection.

Poss said...

They love me, they still love me.
It is good to actually see all of the other action!
It was worth the wait!!

Colleen said...

This is outta sight!

P-Doobie said...

The film shows its indebtedness to Godard and Fellini without being derivative of either. Two thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the treat, Chuck. It's more fun to see what Donald was actually doing in the dark!