Thursday, July 3, 2008

It was a day without sunshine

In the days just before a vacation I want to use up perishables. I finished off a batch of orange juice yesterday. I certainly didn't want to mix up another can of Costco OJ for one day's drinking so today I had no juice with breakfast nor did I have any with tonight's pancakes. Jerry makes the best pancakes! Every Thursday! Tonight's were especially good. Maybe it was the extra egg. We didn't want to leave just one egg in the refrigerator so it went into the batter. You never know what a lonely egg will do.

Jerry had better beverage timing. His jug of milk ran out just as his glass got full tonight.

We're almost ready to set off. We'll see a lot of you in just a few days!


BobbieS53 said...

Too bad about the OJ...We had visitors and had no juice! Luckily they like to drink Mountain Dew and Diet Coke early in the morning.

I wanted to tell you that I really like the wallpaper on your blog and the way the entries slide over it. Very cool!