Thursday, January 24, 2008

Let's do the timewarp again

Last year I was having terrible pain in my right shoulder when I reached behind my back or tried to scratch my left shoulder. After a couple of months of having to rub my back against a tree when it itched I finally saw the doctor. He sent me to a physical therapist to deal with my shoulder impingement. My treatment was to do exercises to strengthen my back muscles to realign the bones in my shoulder. I got to string my Thera-Band bands around a post and pull my arms and shoulders back. After a short time I had gotten a lot of my range of motion back and could put on my belt without agony. I kept hitting plateaus and wouldn't feel that I was making any progress for long stretches (but I did keep making progress).

Late last year I thought that maybe I wanted to do some new aerobic exercise along with my treadmill. They say that rowers give you a great workout. And they work the back muscles. So we got a new piece of exercise equipment. We got a WaterRower.
So now in the mornings I jog for a while then row.

I guess because I'm using smaller muscles with the rower (and those muscles are not all that accustomed to being worked), the ten minutes on the rower feel about ten times longer than the twenty minutes on the treadmill. Time sure does drag along. (But it does seem to be getting a bit faster.)

Sonicare Toothbrush
Speaking of time standing still, there are times I brush my teeth before going to bed and it takes forever for those two minutes to finish. According to the toothbrush's manufacturer the brush gives me 31,000 strokes per minute. Occasionally when I just want to get in bed I feel each and every one of those 62,000 strokes. Those two minutes are agonizing.


Colleen said...

The Sonicare people should make a toothbrush that plays an upbeat 2-minute song while you are brushing. Then it would feel unsettling to stop brushing before the closing chord.

BobbieS53 said...

you could always listen to music while you brush your teeth. That's what I do, so I'm paying attention the the song and not the goes by way faster that way!