Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yesterday, after four weeks of antici......pation, we got a call from Costco telling me that my film-to-DVD transfer was ready to be picked up. We raced over to Costco to get it. We didn't need to do any shopping so we just went out to their food court for supper. I got a slice of cheese pizza. Jerry got two hot dogs and two drinks. (You get a drink with each hot dog.) While Jerry was loading his dogs up with condiments I opened the package with the movies.

I got a disappointment.

The label told me that the movie's length is 1:03. Minute and seconds, not hour and minutes. The cases for the DVDs have images for each of the chapters. There were images from the frolicking in the creek and a few from the jumps onto the picnic table. There were 54 of these images.

Apparently these movies are limited to six banks of nine chapters. The movie had 54 chapters of about one second each. So the discs ran out of chapters long before the movie ran out. It didn't even make it to the picnic table!

I took it back tonight. They're going to do it over. They're putting a rush on it.

The images were clearer than my digital camera captured from the projected image. But at least I captured nearly five minutes.

You'll have to be patient for a while longer. Then I'll have to figure out how to get it to YouTube. They'd better not make the discs copy protected. They're my images after all.

In the meantime, you can relive the banana here.


Poss said...

I don't suppose that you will get the movie before the weekend?