Tuesday, February 12, 2008


There are some drivers' behaviors I find amusing. (There are many behaviors I find terrifying but we all know about those.) One I chuckle at is when people stopped at a red light just can't stand to be stopped. So they creep forward every few seconds. I guess they figure that if they're moving at the moment the light turns green they'll have overcome a little bit of inertia and will be way ahead of the pack. Or else they feel they're sharks and will die if they stop moving.

Occasionally while waiting at a red light that lasts too long even for a patient person I've seen cars inch their ways over the line we're supposed to stop at and get their cars completely into the intersection before the light turns green.

One creep will inspire others. When one person starts creeping at the red light, others, who don't want to be left behind when the light turns green, will start creeping along. It's entertaining to see three lanes of drivers getting antsy and trying to outcreep the others.

One creeping behavior I just can't figure out is when someone is not at the front of the line and has to keep inching forward even though there is a car in front of them. They're going to have to wait for the person ahead of them to get going anyway.

Then there's the tandem creeps. I've been several cars back in the line and before the light turns green there is a full car length of space in front of me that wasn't there when I stopped in line. Sometimes more. I feel pressured to fill the space when there's someone behind me. But I fight it.

I want to scream at these people and tell them that the life of their clutch goes down by one use each time they creep forward.

That's me channeling Jack.

That's what bothers me most about this.


Colleen said...

Wow! You can channel Jack? We nondrivers aren't free from traffic stress. Today it's sleeting and making people grumpy. About 5 blocks from work,my bus stopped a bit beyond the next stop shelter. A woman who got on there said, "The stop's over there, JERK," to the driver. So the driver got mad and told the woman to get off the bus, but she refused. So we sat there for several minutes, then people began urging the driver to continue and not make the whole bus pay for the sins of one. I got out and walked. It was OK; I had my umbrella. The bus passed me as I reached the library, but I couldn't see if the grumpy woman was still on board.

Poss said...

Yesterday I was traveling north to Paseo del Norte and took the exit, which has two lanes that can exit from the freeway. Since I had to turn back south after crossing the freeway, I was in the lane that still could go north on the freeway. The traffic was heavy and most people were not exiting. I creeped forward to try to save my life and those behind me.
And speaking of punishment on public transportation, we had to listen to some young thing talking to another young thing from Albuquerque to Los Lunas. My lord, could she carry on a one sided cell phone conversation about being recruited to play supernanny, how she wants to beat up some b..ch how the movie people want her but she is not interested in fame and fortune.blah blah blah. The drunk who got thrown off a few weeks ago was much more entertaining as he sang Folsum Prison as he was being held captive by the conductor in the seat behind ours....I was a bit uncomfortable when he came to the part about shooting a man in Reno just to watch him die. But the best part as he was being given the boot in Los Lunas was "now how am I supposed to get to Las Cruces?"