Tuesday, February 12, 2008

National Pancake Day

IHOP told us that today, being National Pancake Day, we can eat three buttermilk pancakes for free. In exchange customers are expected to donate what they would have spent to a children's charity. (I wonder if they have the same sort of promotion on other countries' National Pancake Days since they are the International House of Pancakes.)

I wanted to know about how this became National Pancake day and found out that Shrove Tuesday is Pancake Day. This is because people need to get rid of rich foods that they can't eat during Lent and won't keep till Easter. So they put their eggs, butter, milk, and the likes in pancakes to use them up and get fat. Apparently IHOP didn't want to compete with Super Tuesday elections so they moved their celebration of pancakes to today.

To celebrate Jerry made us pancakes from freshly milled wheat, oats and corn (even though we're well into Lent already). They were very good!

(I wonder if we'll have pancakes on our usual Thursday pancake night. I hope so!)


MrBears said...

No Chuckbert, It's Valentines day and we're having mac n cheese and brownies (left overs from the freezer) remember?