Saturday, February 2, 2008

All living things need coffee

Poss asked about coffee roasting so here's the scoop.

Yes, I'm still on my first Hearthware I-Roast 2 coffee roaster. I am on the second roasting chamber. The first one got cracked. I think I rubbed too hard while cleaning it. At least it was just a crack and kept working until I got the replacement! The lid doesn't fit this roasting chamber very well so I have to fight to get it on. I'm bound to break this one sometime in the fight so I really should order another one just in case.

I get my green coffee beans from Sweet Maria's these days. I usually get some Espresso Monkey Blend. (Did you know espresso blends include some robusta beans? And we thought robusta is evil!) And I try some single-origin coffee that they say makes good espresso. I need to pay more attention to the flavor because after a while I can't remember what might be different between the various coffees. I used to appreciate the differences. I wonder what's changed.

I grind the roasted beans in Rocky and brew in Silvia. They're a great pair. No home should be without them. (I got them from Whole Latte Love.)

And now for a 20 megabyte experiment: here is a minute and a half view of the coffee roasting! (I should have recorded it in lower resolution.) I've never done this before so I hope it works.

(What a waste of least it's not porn! Though some religions do find coffee to be sinful.)

The movie starts with me forgetting that I hadn't selected the roast profile. I first go for the start button then have to remember to do all that needs to be done to select Roast Profile 2. So that's what all the fumbling around is about. There are 30 seconds at the beginning of the roast, 30 in the middle and 30 at the end of the cooling period.

And here's the finished product cooling in the colander.

Tomorrow we get to find out if it's good. (It is I'm sure.)


Poss said...

now, I'm not seeing any smoke. Does that mean that it sucks it up itself, you have your stove fan going and it is really quiet, or what?

you should have seen and heard my house last night when I didn't catch the roaster before it went into serious smoke mode.

Chuckbert said...

You can hear the exhaust fan above the stove running at the beginning and end of the movie. It's not terribly quiet. When I'm roasting coffee you can smell it outside if the wind isn't blowing too hard.