Friday, February 22, 2008

I don't get it

All through my life I have stored up jokes, comments, and the likes that I just don't get. Sometimes years later I finally figure them out. For example, we had a book of riddles when I was a kid (and Mom probably still has it unless it went to Karen when she had kids). It had a riddle I didn't understand.
Q: How do you get down from an elephant?
A: You don't. You get down from a goose.
I didn't get it. I had no idea when I was five what down is. Years later I finally found out and the riddle was solved. My reaction was "Oh, brother! I waited all these years for that?"

Much more recently another one of these was solved. Back in college days I got a card from Don M. (probably a birthday card). He signed off with something about always being "bosom buddies." I thought that was an interesting (and apt) term for our friendship and it stuck with me. At the time I wasn't familiar with the songs from "Mame." Now that I have Sirius Satellite Radio and listen to its Broadway's Best channel I am. I was in the car recently singing along with Angela Lansbury and Bea Arthur singing "Bosom Buddies" from Mame and it finally clicked.

Here they are singing "Bosom Buddies."

(Don't you love it?)

I wonder what's become of my bosom buddy. (Hint, Don, hint!)