Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mycology in action

I was getting worried with my mycological inaction. My bucket of mushrooms was doing very little. The little mushrooms were growing stalks but no caps. I thought that maybe they were just too cold out in the garden room so I brought them in the dining room and set them by the door where I thought they'd get the light they need and the heat they were missing. They seemed to be doing no better so I figured that they wanted more light. I moved them back to the garden room and put them where they get more afternoon light than they were getting in their original spot.

Turn your back on mushrooms for a day and look what they do:The patch of mushrooms that grew caps were on the side of the bucket that wasn't shaded by the bucket. So I do believe that light was the thing that was missing. I should rotate the bucket each morning so they all get a bit of sunshine.

I harvested the bunch at the top of the picture and Jerry put them on my pizza tonight. It was good. The mushroom flavor came through the sauce and cheese and Thai flavored baked tofu.

Let's hope that this isn't the end of the harvest.


Anonymous said...

What is the diameter of the mushroom bucet? I can't tell how big they are. And how big would they get if you didn't get antsy about eating them? And do you add your coffee grounds to the bucket or save them for the next go-round? Bon apetit! Sometimes I wish I liked mushrooms

Chuckbert said...

The bucket is about 12 inches across. The largest mushroom in the picture was somewhere around an inch or inch and a half. I didn't measure them...I just ate them.

No, I'm not saving coffee grounds. If I do this again I'll just go to Starbucks again and snag some of their used grounds.

Anonymous said...

A mushroom walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink. The bartender says "We don't serve mushrooms here." The mushroom says, "Why not? I'm a fun guy!"


Anonymous said...

Why did he leave the bar? Because there wasn't mushroom!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chuckbert will be such a mushroom lover that he eats slices of mushrooms on his cereal in the morning. He'd be eating the breakfast of champignons! AH-hahahahahahahahaha!

Chuckbert said...

Using the wrong ID, Karen said:
Yeah, well if he falls in love too much with them, he might resort to im-morel acts!

BobbieS53 said...


BobbieS53 said...


BobbieS53 said...

So sorry about the double post. I tried the first time and it told me it couldn't do LIED! It posted twice.