Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Color Purple

Yesterday I took my lunchtime walk on the sunny side of the street. I normally walk on the side of the road where there are trees giving me some shade but I decided I ought to see what the far side of the road has to offer. It turns out that it has a lot. I suppose much of it comes from getting much more sun than the side I usually walk on.

As I've pointed out before, it is spring and the flowers are making their appearances. As I was walking I kept noticing that there were a lot of purple and blue flowers. So today I took that walk again with my camera and I took pictures of all the bluish flowers I could find.

So I hope you all have broadband connections to the Internet because there are a lot of pictures below. I hope this doesn't take forever to load. Remember if you click on the pictures you'll get a larger version.

(This is washed out but it was a pale blue.)

Sweet peas

A field of thistles. Well, eventually they'll be blue!

Rock Rose

Society Garlic


Mexican Sage


California Lilac
When these are really blooming the whole hillside will be a pale purple. It's pretty spectacular.


I should know this one.

Lavender (this was at home after work)
Dutch Iris (again, this is at home, not on my walk)

California Poppies
So they're not purple but they are pretty!

Well, now I'm going to have to read a book to see what the title of this post refers to.


Shoe said...

I'm so jealous! Beautiful wildflowers! A book you might find useful is Introduction to California Spring Wildflowers of the Foothills, Valleys, and Coast. It has flowers arranged by color!

I'm pretty sure Something10 is lupine. Something8 also looks lupine-ish. Is #7 Baby Blue Eyes?

Thanks for the beautiful picutures!

Shoe said...

#4 might be from the Ceanothus family.

P-Doobie said...

Thanks, ChuckBert. The forsythia are blooming in ABQ, but we still have snow on the ground in the back yard.

I love wildflowers!

Poss said...

I can't see any flowers down here, the wind is blowing too much. Maybe its time for a field trip to CA. I understand that Death Valley is supposed to be fabulous this spring.

Anonymous said...

These are WILDFLOWERS? Not even in peoples' yards with tender loving care showered on them? No wonder you choose to live in Southern California! And the foliage is gorgeous too. Thanks for taking the pictures and sharing them!

Chuckbert said...

A lot of the flowers are wildflowers. There are some that were in the wild that have naturalized, coming from landscaping. Some of them are cared for (the iceplant, for example).

This morning on my drive to work I kept noticing other blue flowers. Some were on the side of the road in front of our house. Blue is the color of the season!

Chuckbert said...

Poss, you'd better hit the road soon if you want to see the desert wildflowers. According to one of their web sites we're now in the middle of the peak of the show in the valley floor. You have till early June for some of the higher elevations.

BobbieS53 said...

I'm jealous, too! My daffodils and tulips were just beginning to poke their heads out and now they are covered with a foot of snow! It will melt fast, I hope. What a long winter we've had; we're not used to real winters anymore, so it seems strange. Maybe the weather will get back to normal now.

Colleen said...

I liked the Iceplant the best. (What does it have to do with ice?) As for books on purple: Edmonds, John, 1931 28 Mar. The mystery of imperial purple dye / John Edmonds.
Published : [Little Chalfont] : [John Edmonds], 2000.
will do