Saturday, March 22, 2008


This morning at 12:17 before going to sleep we got to survive an earthquake. We didn't really feel it but we sure did hear it. There was a rather loud (it seemed) rumble followed by a sharp "crack" followed by a bit more rumbling. It was over in about three seconds.

Whenever I feel an earthquake I have to run to the Internet to see if Los Angeles has succumbed to The Big One. It hadn't. This one was very close to home. Its magnitude was 2.8. Here's the report from the USGS.

It says that it was 10 miles east of Escondido. But we're already a couple of miles east of what they're probably measuring from. So I had to go to Google maps to see where it was in relation to us.

View Larger Map

We're the pointer on the left and the earthquake is the pointer on the right.

We're OK! You don't have to worry about us any longer.


Poss said...

I'm glad you boys escaped. I am not fan of earthquakes. they always happened when I lived in AZ

Anonymous said...

O.K., so I can stop worrying about this particular earthquake, but can I still worry about others with you guys and Karen and her family living in earthquake country?

BobbieS53 said...

I think I'm the only one in the family that hasn't experienced an earthquake! Peg got the "Big One" in San Fran and Karen almost got sloshed out of her water bed...when do I get to be in one....!

Chuckbert said...

Bobbers, one night when I was still in Los Alamos I was in the bathroom and the door started rattling. I thought the house had gotten a ghost. But then the little scientist in me decided that was nuts and there must be a simpler cause and I came up with an earthquake. I happened to be right!

So they do happen there. But they are very small.