Friday, March 21, 2008

What to do with PB2?

When I visited New Mexico last summer, Pegbert gave me a jar of PB2. It's peanut meal with only a little of the fat left. They say to mix some of the powder with water for a low-fat version of peanut butter. Or, they say, you can mix it with jelly and have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with less fat.


I couldn't bring myself to doing either of the suggested things with the product. So it just languished in the pantry waiting for an application that seems more appealing.

Finally I came up with the idea!

I had gotten some natural peanut butter (only peanuts and salt) from Costco. This peanut butter, being natural, is runny. This stuff is very runny. Very, very runny. If you tried to eat an open-faced peanut butter sandwich on warm toast you would need to have a bib and a drop cloth. It would run off the bread. Even if it had been stored in the refrigerator.

My idea was to mix some PB2 into the Costco peanut butter. I figured that the peanut meal would soak up some of the excess oil from the peanut butter and thicken it up. My idea worked!

I put this peanut butter in little 1 oz. soufflé cups I get from Smart & Final (your smaller, faster warehouse store). For the lunch I take to work, Jerry gives me a bagel, a 1 oz. cup of peanut butter, some fruit, and a soft drink. It would be too much to ask him to smear some peanut butter from a large jar on my bagel because the bagel is frozen and assembling my lunch as it is is enough for him to do.

So I use the soufflé cups and contribute to the solid waste stream. (How much does my use of this plastic contribute to the carbon footprint of my lunch, you ask? I don't know but it surely is a lot less than if I drove my car to a restaurant. And I bring my apple cores and banana peels and orange rinds and put them in my compost bin. So I remove a lot of stuff from the solid waste stream!)

This fortified peanut butter sometimes causes some major "Got Milk?" moments. I sometimes get too much PB2 in it and it sticks to the roof of my mouth big time.

For your time wasting needs, I made a movie of what the peanut butter looks like before and after the application of PB2. Watch it if you dare! Sorry. (It started out with the title "What to do with PB2?" but for some reason that doesn't show up.)

(Does everybody watch each movie bloggers insert into their posts? I hope you find the time for this one...I made it myself!)


Poss said...

Xin and I both noticed the partially filled cup. What Godzilla? I had to watch it twice!

and what a plate of shrimp. A co-worker just sent me home with a jar of Costco peanut butter because her husband would not allow that runny thing in her house.. now I know what to do with it.

Poss said...

Except there is no place in NM to buy it according to the Bell Plantation web site

BobbieS53 said...

I counted 28, but I think I missed one in the back, because I counted the partially filled one. I got them counted before Godzilla arrived. I was waiting for hi to shoot flames....

Colleen said...

A hint worthy of Heloise! Yes, I always watch the movies. Remember when you made a movie of Don imitating the commercial where people drive invisible cars?

Shoe said...

I was distracted by my thoughts of how much time it took to carefully fill each of those little containers!

Here in SB, they'd accept that plastic container for recycling.

Good movie; thanks!

Anonymous said...

I counted 29 and then saw Godzilla. I didn't notice the partially filled cup. You could, you know, take the cup home and wash it. But then you'd need to factor in the waste of water, the energy to heat the water, and manufacturing process of the dishwashing detergent, in calculating the effect on the environment.

I must admit that I don't watch some of the posted movies, but I do watch yours--sometimes more than once. You're my favorite movie producer/director!

Anonymous said...

maggie was "anonymous" in the preceding comment.

Chuckbert said...

I wonder what box has the movie of Don. I think we made one where he'd jump with his arms out in airplane configuration and I'd take the frames trying to catch him at the same height.

I wonder what it would cost to get those three seconds of film digitized.

P-Doobie said...

You can buy PB2 directly from Bell Plantation. It's a little pricey, but I like it, and it has a lot less fat than regular PB. It goes a long way. It's fun to mix with jelly or preserves. The resulting colors are pretty strange, but the taste is yummy.

I was so busy counting that I didn't notice Godzilla trudging through the cups. Like Poss, I had to watch it twice!